Show total number of matches to a query when > limit value.
In some older versions of mongochef, the status line below the results table would show 'x documents found, display y.' This was extremely helpful, and appears to have been removed in version 3.3.

Plamen Parvanov commented
Yes, there is.
Next to the button to execute the query is a drop down to execute count() on the query and also explain() - both very useful without leaving the tab.
Ted commented
Whoops, I retract that 2nd most upvoted clause. I was fooled by the default sorting of ideas, my bad.
Ted commented
Could you explain that? Are you suggesting I use an intellishell command to get the count?
That does not seem like a very useful option...rather than look at the bottom of the window, the 'workaround' is to open a different tab, copy-paste, edit the query to a 'count' from a 'find,' then run that, look at the number, then go back and compare to the # of results shown?
Is there another count option I am missing?
If not, I understand the concern that super large collections are hampered by the counting, but I think adding a configurable option to not count/not is a reasonable option. As this is currently tied for the 2nd most upvoted idea, it seems like many people are in the same boat.
Thomas (3T) commented
Yes, that is precisely the reason why we removed this "feature" -
Plamen Parvanov commented
I would disagree. You can use the count() option.
Our collections have 400 000 000 documents. Scanning and counting them takes hours.
This could be added only as a configurable option.