Handle CosmosDB rate limiting
CosmosDB is Microsoft's "cloud" database on it's Azure platform. Cosmos supports "mongodb" clients and for the most part is entirely compatible with Studio 3T.
The issue is that CosmosDB is a rate limited database, and expects clients to retry queries (after a short period of time) when a specific error is returned. This shows up on low limit instances (which is common for development) when transferring data between collections/databases, so it would be great if Studio 3T could handle it.
The error that is returned is error code 16500, message "Request rate is large".
Information on handling retries can be found here (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/bigdatasupport/2015/09/02/dealing-with-requestratetoolarge-errors-in-azure-documentdb-and-testing-performance/), but it describes the CosmosDB native API which provides metadata on when to retry that isn't available via the MongoDB API (to my knowledge).