Support copy/paste from Script History
The "Script history and script browser" is a modal form, this makes it cumbersome to use. The Script history stores only single commands.
If you like to use multiple commands, then you have to copy the script from Script preview, close the form and paste the code into IntelliShell. Then open Script history again, scroll down, find next command, copy next command from Script preview, close the form, paste it into IntelliShell and so on.
When you click on "Load" then the current IntelliShell is cleaned and your existing code is deleted. You cannot select more than one command and load it.
Requested features:
- It should be possible to select several scripts and load them into the IntelliShell.
- A simple double-click on the list should add the script/command to the end of the IntelliShell.
- Don't make the Script history form as a modal form, so user can move between Script history window and IntelliShell