Support for Mongoose ?
We are being asked about adding support for Mongoose to MongoChef.
What's your opinion? What would you expect?

Michael Wills commented
Supporting Mongoose, given the niceties already present in MongoChef, could mean
- adding a way to load models, i.e. browser to a directory, drag and drop files, copy to clipboard
- loaded models are then add to autocompletion hints
- autocompletion could include virtuals and static/instance methodsDue to my exposure to ipython notebooks, it would be really neat to load schemas but be able to modify them within the session, have them reloaded in that session, and either persist changes back to disk (think Chrome Dev Tools workspaces) or at least be able to copy the changes back out. So a mongoose schema editor with validation and such. Basically a live edit environment to explore models and their interaction.
This leads to the idea of saving a workspace or project though. A project would have the connection(s), previously loaded models, and optionally previously active tabs with query/field/sort and other parameters already set.
Jeff Lewis commented
We use Mongoose and it's one of the more popular ODMs for Mongo. It's also supported by MongoDB, Inc.