Task Scheduler in UI to run queries and extract results to specific location
It would be awesome if there were a way that you could schedule a query to run and export the results to CSV/xlsx etc so that the info could be picked up by an ETL operation. Transferring Mongodb data into an environment that BI tools can interact with seems much more difficult than it needs to be and a tool like this would make your product significantly more valuable.
I'd like to be able to create a task in studio 3t to be run at a specified time or according to a specified schedule (eg every x minutes between the hours of xx:xx and xx:xx, every day/certain days of the week). That task should be able to tell studio 3t to run a pre saved query (.js file) and export the results to a .CSV with a pre determined name, to a pre determined location.
This would make ETL to a relational environment a snap!
Please, please, please!!!!!
Introduced Task Scheduling