Charts from data
Integrate into MongoChef or make a new utility for render charts, from the selected data.

Anonymous commented
live charts would be awesome
Fozilbek Samiyev commented
super idea!!!
Thomas (3T) commented
When you select CSV as export format, you'll see just below the Format box a combo box with label "Delimiter". Choose "Tab (\t" from its drop-down list, and you'll be exporting a TSV file. -
Mike Donnelly commented
Urgh, I've just discovered that collection export also does "Current query result set". Facepalm! Exporting as TSV rather than CSV would be way more useful though.
Mike Donnelly commented
Quite often I want to show other people a search result from a collection, using a projection to see only certain fields. What I do right now is copy the search results, paste them into a decent text editor and use find/replace to turn the (not quite) json into a tsv file which I can paste into a spreadsheet. From there it's super easy to create charts.
A much easier method would be to see my search results in table view, select the columns I'm interested in, right click and 'Export as tsv'.
Note: I say "not quite" json because there are no commas between each document in a search result, so you can't use the results programmatically without a faff.
Also: Not quite relevant to the original topic, but another way to let people see your search results would be if each search had a URI which we could give to other people, and they'd paste it into their own Mongochef. Radical!