Change Color Sheme on JSON Editor and IntelliShel
Text color #808000 hardly visible #fff background. Make the color more contrast.
You can select different colors tokens:
- Function
- Number
- Boolean
- Null
- String
- Field Key

Hi there, this should be resolved since a darker theme was implemented in a previous release.
Rob commented
See standard VSCode json color scheme in dark mode. Easy, accepted, well known.
Also a high contrast option, for visually impaired. -
Randall Kahler commented
I would also love to see color theme changes. Using dark mode, many of the colors are extremely difficult to visually separate. The current #404244 is a bit too bright, and should be more like #2F2F2F or #1A1D21. If the background were darker then the other colors would be more acceptable, though the ability to adjust those in the JSON views and editors would be ideal.
Mauricio commented
This is really important for people who are color-blind.
Ygor Lemos commented
Yeah, ability to change the JSON Editor theme (maybe supporting Textmate-like themes would be awesome)
Anonymous commented
This is a real problem for those of us with color vision issues. Some type of theme support would be greatly appreciated. Even if its going in and manually updating a configuration file.