Intellishell output has gotten screwy with 3.0
Before upgrading to 3, each shell connection would have its own output tab(s). Now with 3, the selecting the shell does strange things to the output tags. For example I have two connections and performed a count on each. When I select the tab for c1 its shows both "shell outputs" and both "text" tabs. When I select the tab for c2 it agains shows both "shell output" tabs but only its own "text" tab.
Also there is little way to correlate the "text" tabs with the shell. Even without the set of tabs being shown given a shell selection being somewhat random.
And what's labeling the result tabs "text"? What does that mean?
Also one of the "shell output" tabs in the case above always displays "connecting..." even though both connections are clearly connected.
Just play with the intellishell with multiple connections and perform multiple queries and you will experience all this poor UX.