easier way to reverse sort the query
typing {_id:-1} into the sort box is painful and annoying. you need a single-click that will change the sort order of the query. also, you need a preferences setting that lets me specify that I want reverse sort by default.
Thomas (3T) commented
We have implemented this and it will be released soon.
Please note that you can already set the default sort order (and all the other query criteria) on a per-collection basis from the pop-down menu of the anchor icon immediately to the right of query text box. From that menu, select "Select Default Query".
M S commented
Was going to add this idea but see it's already here. Yes this needs to be added, since this is such a common thing, I suggest adding a 1 click button that adds the {_id:-1} to the sort field, then clicking the button again clears the field. Clicking again adds it back. Put this button right next to the Sort field to the right, similar to how you have buttons next to the Query field. It will act as a quick switch to reverse the docs order and then switch it back.
Kent commented
Current using MongoHub - which offers the ability to set the default sort order. I want to see the newest records by default.
Just started using Studio3T and it's definitely a much more comprehensive tool - so far, this is the one 'feature' i've found missing - but still early days. -
Twois commented
I waiting for this feature!
David Henderson commented
Being able to specify a global default sort order would be great (or None for natural sort order) - particularly helpful if you tend to need to see the newest docs first